A Place of Support and Growth
We respect every student as a unique being and endeavor to meet individual learning needs. Our faculty and staff are committed to a service delivery model that involves close collaboration with parents and other stakeholders.
M’KIS does not presume to be able to meet every need. We will strive, however, to create a learning environment that will foster cultural understanding, personal safety, emotional well-being, and active engagement in an academic program that will promote growth for each of our students.
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Services
In the Middle and High School, EAL students in Grades 6-10 receive three 85-minute blocks of EAL support. The EAL teacher also works in close collaboration with all of our teachers. EAL lessons in the Middle and High School allow for a combination of both formal EAL instruction and subject-specific work time.

Learning Support (LS)
The M’KIS Learning Support Program (Grade 6 - 12) serves students who may present a variety of learning needs or mild learning differences. In the Middle and High School (Grades 6 - 12) the Learning Support teacher actively collaborates with our Middle and High School teachers. Long-term support is offered to those students with an ISSP. A “pull out” strategy with similar grade groupings is used for those students in the Learning Support Program. Students entering the Learning Support Program schedule an 85-minute block of Learning Support every second day. The focus for these students typically involves time management and organizational skills. Small group direct instruction occurs when the need arises. Students on “monitor status” are entitled to special accommodations, but do not typically receive direct services.

Counseling Services
In Middle School, counselors work with students to provide academic, social, and emotional support. Early adolescence is a time of physical, emotional, intellectual and social growth, during which time young people are continually faced with challenges and decisions. The Middle School Counselor strives to enable students to develop positive social and interpersonal skills, healthy relationships, tolerance, and self-awareness along with decision-making skills. Our Counselor meets with students individually and in small groups, as well as in some classroom settings. They meet regularly with teachers and administrators regarding student concerns, and help to coordinate a team approach in supporting student success.

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IB Middle Years Programme
The MYP is uniquely designed to offer a well-rounded education and help students achieve success in school and in life.
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Visual & Performing Arts
Dance, music, theater and visual arts are essential ingredients for balanced intellectual growth.
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